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Ambrose Playscape Renovation Project

About the Project

Walter Ambrose Family Center is embarking on an ambitious journey to reshape its playground into a vibrant, educational oasis where classroom teachings effortlessly merge with nature. We are thrilled to kickstart our playground Master Plan while rallying support and resources for this dream. Driven by the desires and needs of our school community, our initial phases of master planning have been completed and the 24/25 school year will be the implementation stage with May 2025 as our goal to have completed a nature-centric playscape with accessible access and accompanying landscape enhancements.

  • Increase accessibility for all children
  • Encourage inclusive play and provide a variety of options
  • Natural outdoor learning environment that creates space to support children’s developmental growth through small group learning and gross motor activities
  • Meet safety guidelines and MO Licensing standards for MO accreditation of early childhood programs
  • Durability and sustainability

Thank you for being a valued part of the Walter Ambrose Family Center community. We look forward to continuing to provide you and your family with meaningful and joyful experiences.