Classroom Information
Classroom Options
The Ambrose Family Center currently offers three different types of classrooms, which each have different eligibilty requirements and tuition rates. All classrooms, however, still use the same Project Construct, PATH, and Reggio Emilia curriculum.
More information regarding our classrooms and classroom procedures can be found in our Family Handbook. If you would like to apply to the Ambrose Family Center Preschool, click here for an application. Thank you for considering us for your child's preschool!
Toddler Rooms (2-3 years old) The current toddler rooms are Acorn and Seedling. Children must be at least 2, but no older than 3, by July 31st of the chosen program year (children cannot start in the middle of the year after turning 2). The students in these classrooms remain in their room for one year before moving on to the Full-Day rooms. These classrooms have up to 14 students and two main classroom teachers in each room (student:teacher of approx. 7:1), with an additional instructional aide who splits their time between the two rooms. Children do not have to be potty trained to be eligible for the toddler rooms, but we do request that they be potty-trained before starting in the Full-Day classrooms.
Full-Day Rooms (3-5 years old) The current Full-Day rooms are Birch, Maple, Spruce, Oak, Sycamore, and Willow. Children must be at least 3, but no older than 5, by July 31st of the chosen program year (children cannot start in the middle of the year after turning 3). The students in these classrooms remain in their room until they move on to kindergarten at age 5. Whenever we can, we try to have blended-age groups of 3-5 years old in the Full-Day classrooms. These classrooms have up to 20 students and two main classroom teachers in each room (student:teacher ratio of approx. 10:1), with an additional instructional aide who splits their time between two rooms. We do request that children be potty-trained before starting in the Full-Day classrooms. In addition to general education enrollment, Full-Day rooms also offer DESE and Head Start enrollment with reduced or free tuition to families that qualify (click here to email Angie Spatola, Social Worker, to determine if you are eligible) and Special Education Services through Special School District to children who qualify.
- Rates vary for children enrolled through DESE/Head Start. If you have any questions about your tuition rate, please click here to email our bookkeeper.
Half-Day Rooms (3-5 years old) The current Half-Day rooms are Dogwood, Magnolia, and Pine. Children must be at least 3, but no older than 5, by July 31st of the chosen program year (we discourage children from starting in the middle of the year after turning 3). Half-Day classrooms are in session Monday-Thursday from either 8:15 AM - 11:15 AM for the morning classrooms or 12:15 PM - 3:15 PM for the afternoon classrooms. We encourage 3 year-olds to enroll in the morning classrooms and 4 year-olds to enroll in the afternoon classrooms. Children will remain in their classroom for one year before moving on to the afternoon classroom (if previously in the morning classroom) or kindergarten (if previously in the afternoon classroom). The Magnolia Room sections are team-taught and have up to 18 students and one main general education teacher, one SSD teacher, and one SSD para (student:teacher ratio of approx. 6:1). The Dogwood and Pine sections are SSD-taught and have up to 12 students (6 special education students and 6 general education peers) and one SSD teacher with 2 SSD paras in each classroom (student:teacher ratio of approx. 4:1). We do request that children be potty-trained before starting in the Half-Day classrooms (unless other arrangments are made through the child's IEP). In addition to general education enrollment, Half-Day rooms also offer free Special Education Services through Special School District to children who qualify. Rates may vary for children enrolled through Special School District, depending on how many days they are enrolled through SSD. If you have any questions about your tuition rate, please click here to email our bookkeeper.
Blended Age Classrooms
Regardless of where a child might be developmentally or how old he or she is, parents want assurance that they are placing their child in an environment where they will best learn and grow. The Ambrose Family Center utlizies blended age groups in several of its Full-Day classrooms. However, due to enrollment needs, licensing, Head Start, DESE and SSD requirements, not all classrooms may have blended-age groups. Human development is rich, varied and enormously complex. Child development occurs in orderly stages, but there is a great amount of variation in children as to when a stage is attained. This is particularly true of preschool-aged children. In both our blended-age classrooms and single-age classrooms, teachers prepare for and expect a wide range of abilities in the children. They focus on each child as an individual learner and work with them at their developmental level.
Arrival and Departure Times
All parents/guardians or authorized individuals (must be at least 14 years old) must provide a photo I.D. and sign their child in and out each day with time and signature. This is one way to safeguard your child by knowing when they are here and who has picked them up. Due to licensing regulations, no child can be unattended at any time. Please make sure all children, regardless of age, are with you at all times.
Full Day Program (Monday-Friday)
Full Day class (both the toddler rooms and 3-5 year old Full-Day rooms) is in session from 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM. Because we offer extended hours from 7:30 - 8:30 AM in the morning and from 3:30 - 5:30 PM in the afternoon, all parent/guardians will be asked to put in writing their expected drop-off and pick-up times on the form provided in their registration packet. We use this information in scheduling staff and ordering meals in support of quality programming. Please note that while the center's hours are 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM, these hours are meant to offer a range of time to fit the varying needs of busy families. Attendance is not to exceed 10 hours of care in a given day, except in an extreme emergency, as this is not in the best interest of the children.
Half Day Program (Monday-Thursday)
Half Day morning classes are held from 8:15 AM - 11:15 AM. Half Day afternoon classes are held from 12:15 PM - 3:15 PM. Children should not be arriving any earlier than program start times or later than program end times. There is no early drop off or late pick up care for the Half Day program.
Late Pick-Up
Please make arrangements for someone you have authorized to pick up your child if you cannot be here by the time your child's class ends (11:15 AM, 3:15 PM or 5:30 PM). In addition, please contact the Ambrose Family Center main office at 314-963-6440. On your first occasion of being late, you will receive a written reminder. Any time after that, you will be charged $2.50 per minute for the first 10 minutes and $5.00 per minute thereafter. Paying these fees is not an option for extended care. After the 4th occurrence, a meeting will be requested to explore how to support the parents/guardians with picking up on time. Habitual late pick up may result in dismissal from the program.
Children are expected to be in school every day they are scheduled to attend. It is essential that all children be in their classrooms at the start of the learning day (8:30am or 8:15am/12:15pm) in order to become an integral part of their group. There are two reasons for this. First, we know children do best when following a predictable routine and children can become unsettled if they arrive late and have missed out on learning experiences. Secondly, we need to keep accurate attendance records for our meal counts and for funding source purposes. Please call the preschool office (314-963-6440) by 8:30am if your child will not be in attendance that day or if they will be late.* Please feel free to leave a message in the voice mail system.
*Note that if you will be dropping off your child late (after 8:30 AM) or picking them up early (before 3:15 PM), please let the Ambrose Family Center main office know, as special arrangements may need to be made with classroom teachers.